
UnieKBO TeaHealthtour

Many seniors are curious about the possibilities of using a tablet. UnieKBO wants to help seniors to cross the threshold and get acquainted with the tablets. That is why KBO is moving into the country. Seniors learn about a tablet through short workshops. HalloZorg was present at the meetings in The Hague, Arnhem and Zwolle. The next meeting will take place in Roermond on the 19thof May and on June 9 in Utrecht. You can also get acquainted with HalloZorg in an interactive session and ask questions to our supervisors. More information can be found here.

ConnectedCare platform winner of eHealth contest Berlin: April 2017

Ten eHealth innovation companies were invited to pitch their ideas for an experienced jury panel during the Dutch Digital Health Night on the 25thof April in the Dutch embassy in Berlin. It was a busy event with more than 150 visitors. And the winner of the contest was… the ConnectedCare platform! The prize was awarded by Jeroen Tas, the ‘chief innovation and strategy officer’ of Philips.

A royal meeting…

Last week ConnectedCare went on a trade mission to South-Germany together with the Royal pair. The purpose of the trip was to explore the market there and to get in touch with possible collaboration partners. The full schedule included visits to Siemens Health Care, Medtech and Medical Health Valley. It was a beautiful trip, during which we were able to introduce the ConnectedCare platform to both German and Dutch companies that are looking for an eHealth platform in which collaboration plays a central role. The highlight of the trip was a meeting with the Royal pair, during which Martijn Vastenburg…

ConnectedCare booth at ACA conference in Amsterdam

On Thursday the 7th of April, 2016, the 3rdACA conference will take place. The theme of the conference is ‘Aging with resilience: 'innovative visions for getting older’. The morning program is scientifically oriented and mainly focuses on geriatric researchers and geriatric care professionals. During the plenary part the connection between lifestyle and healthy aging is investigated. There will also be an explanation about integrated person-oriented dementia care. During the parallel sessions several studies related to ACA will be further discussed. The afternoon program is interesting for everybody. During this part the well-known Erik Scherder will interview several professors and researchers.…

Joint presentation at Health Valley event

On the 17th of March managing director Martijn Vastenburg and Maaike Dautzenberg from the Vrije Universiteit present the most important findings from the recent field evaluation during the Health Valley Event in Nijmegen. The field evaluation was carried out by the VU at care facility Maartje and aimed at mapping the requirements for a successful implementation of digital tools in home care organizations. Which clients would benefit from digital tools? And how to successfully organize an implementation process? A roadmap provides a first step for a fundamental improvement of communication and the participation of informal caregivers. More information on the session…