FairCare is a digital platform for care and wellbeing services. Informal caregivers, social organizations, healthcare professionals and commercial service providers are supported to better respond to the needs of seniors.
The platform provides accessibility and instantly creates clarity for the client on what is possible and who is paying. FairCare allows for a faster access to the necessary and desired support. It increases the quality of life and leads to less dissipation at the same time. The digital environment has functionalities such as formulating a care need (possibly through the informal caregiver or case manager), matching of formulated needs and available resources, tendering to social organizations, professionals organizations, municipalities and insurance organizations, and support for payment, accounting and control.
Project partners: University of Innsbruck (AU), European Academy Bolzano (IT), University of Applied Sciences Chur (CH), University of Applied Sciences Zurich (CH), Pannon Business Network Association (HU), Red Cross Austria (AU), ASP Servizi GmbH (IT), SIS Consulting GmbH (AU), Soluciones Tecnológicas para la Salud y el Bienestar S.A (ES).