The INtoEAT project develops innovative digital tools that can improve healthy eating habits and lifestyle in elderly. ConnectedCare collaborates with OnePlanet, Wageningen University, Radboud University, Salut and IMEC.

A healthy diet can help keep the body and mind healthy and extend the quality of life. A healthy diet and lifestyle are even more important for elderly people with care needs. Seniors often experience a decreased appetite, resulting in malnutrition. INtoEAT aims at development and implementation of innovative digital tools that can improve healthy eating habits and lifestyle in elderly as a nutrition aid. Specifically, a smart tray, a digital food coach, and a lifestyle app will be used for enabling personalised (remote) diet and lifestyle supervision and coaching, facilitating elderly to live longer independently and at home. Nutritionists also benefit a lot from the information in the app and can make better adjustments to patients’ diets. This, combined with intensive guidance from a nutrition coach, supports lifestyle and eating behaviour improvement.


This project is partly funded by the European Union. More information on EFRO on www.op-oost.nl.
Het operationeel programma (OP) EFRO Oost-Nederland is een gezamenlijk subsidieprogramma van de provincies Overijssel en Gelderland en werkt aan structurele versterking van de economie. Oost-Nederland zet de EFRO-middelen in op innovatiestimulering en koolstofarme economie. Het doel is dat meer Oost-Nederlandse MKB-bedrijven meer omzet halen uit nieuwe producten.

More information
Martijn Vastenburg